

  • Analysis, planning and realization of information systems
  • Technical and systems assistance from first installation to subsequent maintenance
  • Organizational consultancy
  • Business processes analysis
  • Websites design and implementation, B2B and B2C portals

Technical, system and maintenance assistance

Telephone assistance, remote and on site assistance services guarantee high technical support, training and consultancy to our customers.

Telephone Assistance Service
It allows the customer to contact our Help Desk at any time of the working day, both for technical problems and for support to the different operational phases of the managed processes;;

Remote Assistance Service
Within few minutes, a remote connection is activated to the workstation, that sent the support request.
It enables us to view and analyse the request directly with our customer. This allows us to immediately establish a direct connection with customers in order to rapidly solve all those problems, that block their daily work process;

On Site Assistance Service
All the following activities are planned and settled after preliminary and periodic visits from our project managers and from product and technical support specialists:

  • advice, analysis and design of an information system;
  • start-up of a new information system;
  • technical and systems assistance the technology infrastructure required from our application;
  • analysis of the evolutionary mantainance opportunities, according to customer’s needs.

Training and coaching

It is a fundamental service to facilitate the awareness of end users; our product specialists are always by customers’ side, in every phase of the project:

  • start-up;
  • periodic functional updates;
  • training after the rotation of internal staff.

The lack of an adequate training planning increases the risk of failure, even for the simpler projects, with low complexity level.

That’s the reason why our service delivery also includes an accurate analysis of customers’ training needs and the development of an adequate training program, composed of a series of training sessions both online and frontal, one to one or dedicated to small groups of operators.

Our training program is enriched with manuals and tutorial videos.